Online Security Products

Trade - Apply Here

Trade Pricing

Products on our website are advertised and sold at UK trade prices.

Products on our website are for professional use only, however we can supply to technically aware end users employing an installer to complete their projects.

A small quantity of the products can only be sold to companies specialising in CCTV, door entry or Intruder systems, these products have no visible prices, to see prices and order these products, please create an account - Click here to apply

To reward customers who are specialist installers in the industry and have received training and manuals/software for the products from the manufacturers, we can offer an additional small discount on the published prices, please use the form below to apply, NB: You must be able to answer yes to at least one of the first five questions to qualify.

I am / my company are CCTV professionals
I / we have specialist CCTV knowlegde and training
I am / my company are Door Entry Professionals
I / We have specialist training and knowledge in Door Enter Solutions
I am / my company are Intruder Alarm Professionals
I / We have specialist training on Intruder alarms, have installation manuals / software and PIN numbers for technical support from the manufacturers
I am / my company are Access Control Professionals
I / We have training and specialist knowledge on Access Control Systems
I am / my company are specialist electrical/electronic product users
Allow Contact
No more than 4 email offers per year
i.e. UK
Please copy and paste your company website url here
Please describe breifly what type of work your company provides, i.e. CCTV and Intruder installation
Please add the two numbers